Please Help Me Save This 12 Year Olds Life!

Dear friends, family, and compassionate supporters,

Today, I received an update on Presley’s bone marrow aspiration results.

She is in partial remission, which is a small victory amidst this challenging journey. 🎗️

However, our fight is far from over. Presley is now on the AALL1311 protocol, with her treatment extended by six weeks due to complications in the past month.

We are looking at 2.5 years of treatment, with the most difficult rounds of chemotherapy starting now. 💪

Presley was expected to be in remission nine weeks ago, and we have anxiously awaited her bone marrow results.

Now that we have partial results, we are submitting everything to Children’s Cincinnati for a second opinion on her treatment plan and to determine if she qualifies for Proton therapy, which is not available in Pittsburgh. We are also sending her tests and labs to Boston and St. Jude’s. 🏥

As a parent, Stacey needs reassurance that Presley is receiving the best care possible, especially given her high-risk status, which is equivalent to stage 4 in adult cancer. 💖

If Cincinnati, Boston, and St. Jude’s provide the same treatment plan, Presley will continue at Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital.

She will start the next block of chemo soon, which includes general anesthesia and spinal chemotherapy.

Presley will remain in the hospital for five days to receive the remainder of her chemotherapy via her port, due to the side effects and necessary monitoring.

This cycle of five days in the hospital and seven days at home will continue for eight weeks, with chemo pills and weekly shots administered at home.

Our doctor has made it clear that achieving remission is not the hardest part; it is staying in remission.

🏨 Given Presley’s struggles with her blood levels, we anticipate additional hospital stays.

This summer will be tough, but today’s news has given us hope. 🌟

We need your support more than ever.

Your donations will help cover medical expenses, travel for second opinions, and ensure

Donate here

Presley receives the best possible care. Please join us in this fight against leukemia and cancer. 🧡

Tomorrow is Presley’s 13th birthday, and I can’t think of a better gift than showing her how many people care.

Please join me in wishing Presley a happy birthday and sharing this post.

If you know anyone related to the Pittsburgh Steelers, Penguins, or Billie Eilish, PLEASE 🙏 TAG THEM!

Together, we can give Presley and other children the chance they deserve.

Thank you for your generosity and kindness.

With gratitude,
Richard Kaufman

FightForPresley #LeukemiaAwareness #ChildhoodCancer #SupportPresley #HopeForPresley

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